Challenge 3


My list

  1. Main should be inside body
  2. No <> arrows needed
  3. background color No needed h1 and h2s
  4. line 52 should be a comment Wrong opening and closing brackets for body

Team List

  1. HTML Tag used for main
  2. HTML closing tag used for main
  3. Display diamonds is incorrect
  4. Margin and padding in main are not specified
  5. Incorrect comment tag on line 52
  6. Line 2 needs to be CSS
  7. Typeface family is incorrect way to stylize font style
  8. Missing a in front hover on line 36
  9. Main should not have a closing definition at all
  10. :hover#menu-icon’s background-color has an incorrect value
  11. Both definitions of body’s background-color have incorrect values
  12. ” to make comments does not work in css
  13. “Width” in h2 should not be capitalized
  14. ‘4’ is on a different line than :hover
  15. ‘4’ cannot be used as a variable
  16. Line 17 aside doesn’t need a .
  17. Line 26 Background color is not in a hex code or color name
  18. Line 27 need curly closing brackets
  19. Line 29 Menu doesn’t need a # sign
  20. Line 33 background-color is spelled wrong
  21. Line 40 h1 need to have more style: sizes, weight
  22. Line 44 h2 has the wrong information